5 Myths and the Truth Revealed!

Physical Therapists are healthcare professionals that evaluate and treat injuries or conditions that restrict body movements or cause pain. On average, the profession of physical therapy isn’t widely known, but there are common myths that cause people not to seek treatment, even when it may be the best option. We are here to help uncover the truth, so you know what to expect!

1. Physical Therapy is Painful

Truth: The job of therapists is to reduce your pain and increase strength to help your condition for the long hall. You should be transparent with your physical therapist. Tell them if you’re experiencing pain during your session, so your plan can be modified if needed. A study showed that 71% of people who have never visited a physical therapist think it will be painful; that number is significantly lower among patients who have seen a physical therapist in the past year.

2. Physical therapy is only for injuries and accidents

Truth: Physical therapy can be utilized for more than just an injury, whether sports, work, or an accident. It can be used for both pre and post-operative care, non-surgical treatments instead of injections or medications, help manage chronic conditions, and even help those who have vertigo. There is a long list of conditions we treat that physical therapy can help with, so if you’re experiencing pain, call our team at 573-335-7868 to see if physical therapy is right for you!

3. Any healthcare provider can perform physical therapy

Truth: Although 42% of consumers know that physical therapy can only be provided by a licensed physical therapist, 37% still believe other healthcare providers can also perform physical therapy.

4. Physical Therapy isn’t covered by insurance.

Truth: Physical therapy is covered by most insurance policies. Premier Physical Therapy is a provider for all major insurance companies, including Medicare. Physical therapy can also be utilized to save costs on medication, unneeded scans, or surgeries.

5. Surgery is my only option.

Truth: Surgery is unavoidable in some situations, but physical therapy is a natural way to help heal your body. We suggest that you ask your doctor if you can try physical therapy FIRST to see if you find the relief and range of motion you desire. Research shows that patients who choose physical therapy return to work 2–4 times sooner than those who choose surgery. Furthermore, 75 percent of studies report a faster return to all other pre-injury activity with those who choose physical therapy over surgery. Therapy is often more cost-effective than surgery and is also more likely to help prevent further injuries.

Consider physical therapy next time you feel an ache or pain. Don’t be afraid to ask your healthcare provider questions, ask family and friends their recommendations in choosing a facility, and let us know if we can help you on your medical journey! Give our team a call today at 573-335-7868.

Craig, Meredith. “Physical Therapy versus Surgery.” Medium, NU Sci, 25 Oct. 2016, https://nuscimag.com/physical-therapy-versus-surgery-9c2320e4b7bc.

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