8 Fun Facts about Hands

  1. One hand contains 28 bones. This means that 56 of your body’s 206 bones are located just in your hands.
  2. The number one diagnosis that Hand Therapists treat is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the result of increased pressure on the median nerve at the wrist. This increased pressure can be caused by numerous things.
  3. There are no actual muscles located in your fingers and thumbs. Instead, your digits move by the action of almost 40 muscles located in your forearm and hand. The tendons of these muscles run into the fingers and attach to the bone to move your fingers, much like a rope and pulley system.
  4. Our hands play a very important role in protecting the rest of our body. Our body’s natural reaction when there is a threat is to reach out with our hands. Our hands are also equipped with numerous sensory receptors. Hands can tell us how hot or cold something is, how rough or smooth, thick or thin, and even the shape of something. This leaves our hands prone to injury.
  5. When you make a fist, the tips of your fingers automatically point toward the base of your thumb just slightly. This is a result of our anatomy.
  6. Hand Therapists also specialize in treating wrist and elbow injuries.
  7. Our fingernails can tell us a lot about our overall health. The color, texture, and consistency can all be indicators of other health conditions that may or may not be associated with the hands.
  8. A Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) must have at least 4,000 hours of experience in treating hand injuries in addition to passing a certification exam.

If you are experiencing pain or decreased movement in your fingers, hand, wrist, or elbow, give our team a call at 573-335-7868, and our Hand Therapist, Donna Goodson, would be happy to help!

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