Category: Hand Therapy

  • 5 Reasons to Try Hand Therapy

    5 Reasons to Try Hand Therapy

    Hand therapy is ideal for patients who have conditions affecting the hands and upper extremities. Whether it’s a work-related injury, a condition that has happened over time, chronic pain, or a result of trauma, hand therapy benefits many types of people.

    When you receive hand therapy treatment at Premier Physical Therapy, you’re taken care of by one of our certified hand therapists who is passionate about providing the highest quality of hand therapy.

    Our hand therapist uses a variety of techniques to promote healing and strengthening of your hands including manual hand therapy, soft tissue mobilization, specific hand exercises, custom splinting/orthotics, education and stretching. When combined, your hands are able to gain back the flexibility and strength needed to continue doing the things you love.

    There are many reasons why you should try hand therapy today. Below are six of the most common ways it can help you if you’re struggling with pain or discomfort.

    1. Prevent Further Injuries with Nonoperative Treatment

    Undergoing surgery on your hands or upper extremities is a big deal that can come with risks and a strenuous recovery period. When you engage in hand therapy techniques, our certified hand therapists use exercises modalities to help you resolve injuries and treat current issues without having to go for surgery.

    2. Pain Management

    Whether the pain you’re experiencing in your hands is acute or chronic, hand therapy can help. By utilizing effective methods to reduce inflammation and stress to your hands, pain can be significantly reduced and you can return back to your normal lifestyle.

    3. Pain, Stiffness and/or Weakness After Trauma

    If you’ve been in an accident that left injury to your hand, wrist or elbow, hand therapy can help. It’s the best method for getting your hands back to normal after a serious trauma.

    4. Home Exercise Programs

    When you undergo therapy, your hand therapist will provide you with personalized home exercise programs. These programs are designed to increase the motion, dexterity, and strength in your hands so you can do it from the comfort of your home.

    5. Getting Back to the Old You

    Living life with chronic hand pain or immobility can be detrimental to both your personal life and your work. Our certified hand therapist works with you to regain the use of your hands so they can once again easily perform daily tasks and simple motions. Through adapted techniques and equipment, our hand therapist will help you get back your old self in no time.

    Hand therapy has many benefits for a variety of hand injuries and pain. When you undergo treatments, you are putting your well-being in the forefront and taking control of your life.

    Choose Premier for Your Hand Therapy

    Start today with your hand therapy treatment and sign up for a free injury screening with Premier Physical Therapy.

  • Benefits of Hand Therapy

    Benefits of Hand Therapy

    The Art and Science of Healing Hands

    Our hands aren’t very big, but they have a lot of complex components that require care and attention. Hand therapy offers our patients many benefits. Hand Therapists evaluate and treat injuries and conditions associated with our upper extremity (shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand).

    A Certified Hand Therapist uses a wide range of techniques and exercises to help patients who suffer from injury, chronic hand pain or loss of sensation (feeling). With the right course of treatment, patients can restore lost muscle strength, get relief from pain, regain nerve function, help manage scars, or even eliminate the need for corrective surgery.

    Candidates for hand therapy include people who suffer from conditions, such as Arthritis, Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel (median nerve entrapment), tendonitis, or Cubital Tunnel (ulnar nerve entrapment). You are also a candidate for therapy if you have suffered a hand injury such as burns, fractures, damaged tendons & nerves, or amputations.

    How Does Hand Therapy Work?

    Hand therapy is commonly practiced in a few distinct ways. First, it can be used as a rehabilitation tool, assisting patients after a medical procedure, such as surgery or a traumatic injury. Hand therapy is also a great preventative care tool, correcting problems before surgery becomes necessary. Hand therapy can also help relieve the symptoms of chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis.

    In all instances, a hand therapist uses a variety of techniques, including custom orthotic fabrications and targeted specific exercises. These techniques are designed to strengthen muscles, reduce swelling, protect joints and restore range of motion. Hand therapists also consult their patients on healthy habits and exercises they can do at home to further their care.

    What Does it Take to Be a Hand Therapist?

    A Certified Hand Therapists (CHT) must have at least three years of clinical experience, including 4,000 hours of direct practice in hand therapy. They must also pass a strict certification exam to prove their competency and receive continuing education yearly to keep their certification. Our therapist, Donna Hart Goodson OTR/L, CHT has had over 30 years of experience in providing Hand Therapy to people just like you!

    Let Us Give You a Hand with Your Chronic Pain

    Do you struggle with pain that you just can’t get to stop or maybe even chronic hand pain that is keeping you from enjoying life? Maybe you have experienced an occasional tingling or loss of feeling in your hand? If you do, we can help. We can assess your pain and get to the bottom of what’s causing it. And with the assistance of our highly trained CHT, we will help you restore function and get you to start feeling better. We look forward to helping you at our Cape Girardeau clinic. Keep in mind that we have three convenient locations across southeast Missouri (Cape Girardeau, Jackson, and Advance) to serve your Physical Therapy needs.

    Allow Premier Physical Therapy to give you a hand. Get your FREE injury screening.


  • Who is Donna Hart Goodson and what is Hand Therapy?

    Who is Donna Hart Goodson and what is Hand Therapy?

    hand therapy, physical therapy

    Donna Hart Goodson OTR/L, CHT has worked at Premier Physical Therapy from the first days the doors opened. She brings to Premier the expertise of hands and an art of healing others. Today I was able to sit in with Donna for an exclusive interview:

    Q: Where did you go to school?

    A: I graduated from the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks with a B.S. in Occupational Therapy and a minor in Art in 1985.

    Q: How did you get into such a niche practice of working only with hands?

    A: I did my internship at the Mayo Clinic in MN.  At that time there wasn’t such a thing as a Certified Hand Therapy but after shadowing an OTR who treated mainly hand injuries, I decided that I wanted to specialize in hand therapy.  Six years later the ASHT certified the 1st Hand Therapist and two years later I became certified in 1993.  I feel like I’m a pioneer in the Hand Therapy world.

    Q: When did you start working at Premier Physical Therapy?

    A: I moved to MO from MN in 1985: worked as an OT, Owned a out-patient hand clinic for several years, married a local man and had three wonderful kids and then decided to be a stay-at-home mom for 2 years.  After my baby started school I decided to start working again. Dennis asked me to join him in starting a new business 9 1/2 years ago and I’ve been here at Premier Physical Therapy ever since.

    Q: What do you love about working at Premier Physical Therapy?

    A: I love working with Dennis because he puts God and his family 1st.  I love working with a team who prides themselves in giving 110% in their therapy sessions.  I love working with area physicians, (hand surgeons and general physicians) who are very knowledgeable and skilled in what they do. But most of all, I love working with patients in our area who I get to see in the community even after their therapy is done.

    Q: What do you enjoy best about being a hand therapist?

    A: I really do love the complexity of hands and I get to provide one to one hand therapy to my patients here at Premier. Hands are so important and you need them to do so many things in life. I get great joy in getting people the use of their hands back so that they can get back doing what they need and love to be doing.

    I really enjoy that I get to talk and work with some really awesome people who have hand injuries. I learn a lot from my patients because we discuss a lot of different things. I become very close to my patients.  In today’s medical world, there is always so much more to learn about hand injuries, surgery, and therapy, and I find that very exciting.

    Lastly, I get to talk about God and all of his blessings with many of my patients. I love that I work in a Christian atmosphere.

    Q: I have been fortunate enough to see a lot of your work and also to be a patient of yours. I would call what you do an art! It is amazing to see the custom splints that you make and to see the level of difference you make in a patients life.  Tell me a little about the artist in you.

    A: When I make an orthotic (otherwise known as a splint), there is a certain function and goal for that orthotic.  I have to apply my physics knowledge to design this orthotic to accomplish these specific goals along with my 3D artistic perception of what I want accomplished to make the orthotic.  And having an orthotic that is unattractive or ill-fitting won’t be tolerate or worn by a patient.  I want to fabricate an orthotic to be as comfortable and as attractive as possible to help encourage the patient to wear it as recommended by the physician.  I’ve had patients have family and friends sign their orthotics or bling up the splints I’ve made for them.  This makes them more tolerated and fun!

    Q: Anything else you would like to add about being a hand therapist?

    A: I really am thankful that God lead me to Cape Girardeau and Jackson.  I love providing Hand Therapy to the people in this community and I am excited to see what new techniques and surgical procedures are being developed.  I’ve had the opportunity to work with tendon and nerve repairs, multiple fractures; crushes; finger, wrist, and forearm re-attachments; toe to thumb transplants; tendon and nerve transplants; but haven’t gotten to work with a hand transplant (I hope to be able to have the opportunity to assist someone with therapy who has had this procedure done before I retire.)

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