Category: Healthy Habits

  • Walk to a Healthier You!

    Walk to a Healthier You!

    Most individuals participate in this popular yet simple form of exercise, WALKING. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it’s the most popular method of exercise in the United States. One of the reasons is because almost anyone can do anywhere and anytime! Everyone is different and can tolerate exercises differently, so we encourage you to find one that suits you. Some common examples are weight training, cardio, cycling, swimming, yoga, Zumba, water aerobics, and Pilates. 

    Check out some of the main benefits of walking for exercise:

    • Boost energy levels.
    • Heart health benefits.
    • Prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
    • Improves insulin sensitivity in those with type 1 diabetes.
    • Weight loss benefits.
    • Improves perceived sleep quality.
    • Positive effects on mental health.
    • Lowers the risk of premature death.

    Knowing these wonderful life benefits is an excellent reason to push to achieve the 10,000 steps per day recommended by the CDC. For some, it is harder to hit this goal than others due to our jobs, today’s technology, or health issues. Getting a pedometer or watch that helps you count your steps or sends reminders to get up and get moving can be beneficial.

    Here are some ideas to help you get more steps in each day. 

    • Take your dog for a walk or volunteer to walk dogs at a local animal shelter. 
    • Take the stairs when you can.
    • Park in the back of the parking lot. 
    • Go on a short walk during your lunch break.
    • While you are on the phone, walk around.
    • Make it a competition with someone to get the most steps.
    • Pick up litter around your neighborhood.

    There are so many more ways to get your steps in, but modifying your lifestyle slightly can help you get closer to the goal. Take baby steps if needed to get there. The Premier Family is rooting for you to become healthier, not short term, but long term. Keep pushing! 

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