Category: Safety Tips

  • Winter Tips

    Winter Tips

    Shoveling Injuries & Tips

    Each year, roughly 11,500 injuries are reported due to shoveling SNOW. As winter is approaching, we will likely see snow and sleet. If you plan to shovel the snow yourself, it’s important to do it properly so you don’t end up in the emergency room!

    1. First, you need to ensure you have proper attire for being outside in the cold, chilly air. You want to choose clothing you can move freely in but enough to keep you warm so you don’t get hypothermia or frostbite. As you shovel, you might sweat, so if you start to get too warm, you can remove a layer so you don’t get overheated.
    2. Use the right shovel. Pick a snow shovel that isn’t too heavy or too large because the weight will increase once you fill it with snow. Bend at your knees, keeping the shovel load as close to your body as possible, push up with your legs (not your back), and drop the load where you want it. Do not twist your body. 

    TIP: Instead of throwing the snow, you could also push it into a pile.

    Walking Precautions

    When the conditions outside are wet, it can lead to more falls and injuries. Hidden patches of ice cause people to fall, and it’s hard to prepare for it when you don’t see it coming. To help you avoid some of these fall risks, you should:

    • Wipe your feet before going inside to avoid falling/slipping on the floor.
    • Walk slowly, and don’t make sudden movements when you step on slippery surfaces.
    • Use railings when available.
    • If you feel yourself start falling, bend your knees so they absorb most of the fall.
    • Wear non-slip socks when inside.

    Remember to lift with your legs, not your back, wear extra layers because it is cold out there, and be cautious when walking outside, especially if there has been precipitation. Remember these winter tips and put them into practice as we enter this cold season. The Premier team wants you to stay warm and injury-free! Getting to physical therapy is easy; you can call our team, and our goal is to see you in 24 hours. You don’t have to wait to see a doctor anymore. Check out more about direct access on our website at


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