First Line of Treatment for Back Pain Sufferers

Are you experiencing back pain? Do you have pain radiating down your leg? Is the pain you’re experiencing making it difficult to walk, stand, bend, or lift? Has standing for an extended period of time or walking long distances become very difficult? Has the pain you’re experiencing prevented you from doing the things you love? If so, you are not alone.

What is Chronic Back Pain?

Chronic pain generally persists longer than a usual recovery time and occurs with other chronic health conditions, like arthritis. Chronic pain can be continual pain that you experience or intermittent. Studies show that up to 23% of adults worldwide suffer from chronic low back pain. Chronic back pain will develop in 5% of people struggling with mild symptoms at onset.

Chronic Back Pain Causes:

  • Muscle or ligament strain(s)
  • Bulging or ruptured disk(s)
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Scoliosis
  • Spinal Stenosis

How Physical Therapy Can Help with Chronic Back Pain

Healthcare providers widely recommend physical therapy for patients experiencing back pain. At Premier Physical Therapy, our patients undergo an initial evaluation with a physical therapist to fully understand their diagnosis and set up goals and a unique treatment plan. According to Shipton (2018), “In chronic low back pain, the physical therapy exercise approach remains the first-line of treatment and should routinely be used.” (p. 127-137). 

Our therapists have a variety of tools they use to help alleviate pain and increase your strength. During your treatment, they may adjust your plan to ensure you progress as you should. We have helped thousands of patients feel their best and want to help you too. Check out what a recent patient of ours had to say about their physical therapy treatment for their back pain.

“The team at physical therapy has done a great job of helping my back pain. They have increased my ability to enjoy life without the pain I was having before the therapy. My pain level has decreased tremendously.”

—Charles R.

Don’t put off taking care of your back pain. Call your doctor today and tell them you want to start therapy at Premier Physical Therapy. Our team strives to see new patients within 24 hours!

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