Keep Moving This Summer

Can you believe it is already summer? We hope you can enjoy this season with some of your favorite activities like playing some rounds of golf, morning runs, working in your garden, and playing with your kids or grandkids. We want to remind you to listen to your body and when you can, KEEP MOVING!

Some common injuries might occur during the summertime when you are being active! Take a look at some of them below.

Leg & Foot – Go on a walk daily with your pet, family member, friend, or neighbor! Invite them to MOVE!

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Tendinitis
  • IT Band Syndrome
  • Calf/Quad Strains

Back and Neck – Join a local yoga studio or class at the gym to strengthen your back and neck muscles.

  • Radiculopathy/Nerve impingement
  • Stiff Neck
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Stenosis

Shoulder and Arm – Take a trip to the pool and swim some laps while soaking up some vitamin D.  

  • Bursitis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Tendinitis
  • Carpal Tunnel

We hope you get out there and MOVE, and if you find yourself having one of these common injuries then you should try physical therapy. A recent study by Health Services Research suggests that trying Physical Therapy FIRST can reduce the amount of healthcare costs along with lowering the number of opioids you may need. 

At Premier Physical Therapy, our team is dedicated to helping you find the root cause of your pain. Our team will perform an initial evaluation to discuss your history, pain, mobility, and goals. Then they will create a plan specific to you to target your pain and help you heal. Starting physical therapy is simple; just ask your doctor if physical therapy is right for you. If so, tell them you want to go to Premier Physical Therapy. Give our office a call to get started at 573-335-7868.

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