What Does “Hands-On” Treatment Mean?

Everyone experiences pain and has had an injury, and at that moment, your goal is to feel better NOW. Most doctors suggest rest and medication first, but if that has not helped, Physical Therapy may be the next step. There are numerous treatments in the physical therapy world to help treat different body parts. One fundamental aspect of treatment we believe in is Manual Therapy, commonly known as “Hands-on” treatment.

Hands-On Physical Therapy means your physical therapist provides hands-on treatment to a particular body part. Hands-On Therapy manipulates your joints and soft tissue, relaxes tight muscles, and improves circulation to injured tissue to enhance healing. In addition, having a therapist help move your specific body part will help them better understand your pain, range of motion, and other indicators.

Who Can Benefit from Hands-On Therapy?

This treatment is used to help improve health and function. During your initial evaluation, your physical therapist will devise a game plan of what exercises to perform during your treatments, along with a Hands-On portion. Some of the most common diagnoses/conditions that benefit from Hands-On therapy include:

  • Arthritis
  • Back pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Knee Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Shoulder Pain

Common Manual Therapy Techniques

There are numerous manual therapy techniques, and our Physical Therapist will decide which is best for you. Our team trains frequently to stay updated on the latest/best techniques to help our patients best. Examples of Hands-On treatment include:

  • Massage therapy to help relax tight muscles.
  • Manual traction to help relieve tension in your back or neck.
  • Mobilization to help joints mobility.
  • Passive range of motion to help with mobility.


Our team will continue to work to find the best technique to help you overcome your pain or injury. So give our team a call at 573-335-7868 to experience the difference!

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