Category: Back Pain

  • Why It’s Important to “Lighten the Load” as your kids head back to school this year!

    Why It’s Important to “Lighten the Load” as your kids head back to school this year!

    As you’re sending your kids back to school this year, it’s important to be cautious of just how much weight they are carrying around in their backpacks from day to day. Studies show that a child should carry no more than ten to fifteen percent of their body weight.

    When a child’s body is weighted down from a backpack, the natural tendency is to lean forward to compensate. This can lead to changes in the child’s posture.  Over time this can be dangerous to the back, neck, and shoulders, which can cause compressed discs and abnormal curvature of the spine.  Heavy straps that dig into the shoulders can cause damage to the nerves of the arms and hands.

    You may notice signs that your child’s backpack is too heavy if he/she complains of general back, neck, and shoulder pain, or complains of pain when putting on or removing the backpack.  You may also see changes in the child’s posture as well as pressure marks on the body.  Your child may also be unable to move the shoulders and arms, neck, or back with a normal pain-free range of motion.

    Some tips to “Lighten the Load.”

    • Carry only what is necessary
    • Use both straps when wearing your backpack
    • Make sure the straps on the backpack are tight
    • Center the backpack load
    • Consider a rolling backpack
    • Pack heavier items closer to the center of the back
    • Match the size of the backpack to the child’s frame
    • Consider a backpack with a waist belt which will transfer weight to the hips
    • Look for a backpack with padded shoulder straps to decreased pressure on shoulders

    It is important to teach your child to wear the pack properly.  Make sure they don’t throw it over one shoulder or wear it too low. Use the straps to distribute the weight properly.  Remember, teaching good posture only helps when the child can maintain that posture with the backpack on.  So lets “lighten the load.”

    Call Premier Physical Therapy at 573-335-7868 with any questions.

  • 3 Quick Tips To Reduce Lower Back Pain

    3 Quick Tips To Reduce Lower Back Pain



    We see people every day who suffer from lower back pain. Approximately 80% of the population experiences this type of pain at some point in their lives, so we want to share some helpful tips that may benefit you! Often, there isn’t as much you can do on your own; however, we would like to offer you three quick tips on how to help reduce your lower back pain.

    Let’s start by defining “lower back pain”. 

    The pain generators that constitute lower back pain include the discs, muscles, joints, and nerves. Pain can be on one side or all the way across the lower back, and when severe, it can radiate down one or both legs. 

    Now that we’ve defined “lower back pain,” let’s get straight to the three tips to reduce lower back pain. 

    1. Unloading 90/90 Technique 

    3 Quick Tips To Reduce Lower Back Pain Exercise 1

    This technique will take pressure off of your lower back region. Find something around the house that you can rest your legs on such as a plastic container. You can add pillows on top in order to make it the correct height and to add comfort. Lie on your back and place your legs on top of the object. Be sure the object is close enough to you and high enough so that both your hips and knees are at 90 degrees.

    Lie in this position for 20 minutes, 2 times per day or as needed for pain. 

    2. Self-Bracing Technique 


    This technique will activate the Transverse Abdominis (TA) muscle. It will serve as the primary stabilizer of the lower back region during all activities and exercises. This self-bracing “skill” should be performed during all activities, including sports, lifting, bending, standing up or rolling in bed. To practice this self-bracing skill, place a hand on the abdominal area. Then, activate the TA muscle by pulling your abdomen up and in – away from your hand about a quarter of an inch. Do NOT hold your breath, you should be able to breathe normally while initiating the TA activation. 

    NOTE: This contraction can be felt in front of the hip, below the beltline, and toward the center of the abdominals. 

    3. Straight Spine Techniques 


    For proper posture when sitting and standing, ensure that excessive forward curve of the lower back and upper spine does not occur. For a healthy lower back, maintain a “straight spine” – a straight line between the hips, shoulders, and back of the head. Avoid tilting your head forward and rounding your shoulders as part of your normal posture. 

    When bending and lifting, maintain this “straight-spine” posture. Do NOT allow the spine to flex forward. Keep a “heads up” posture – the back will follow the head. If you bend your head and neck forward, the back is likely to follow and result in bad posture. Also, remember to bend your legs and never lift using just your lower back. 

    Low back pain affects people of all ages and of all activity levels. This type of pain can be debilitating and therefore should be taken seriously. 

    The following statements are also important to consider when managing lower back pain: 

    • Avoid any activity that causes or increases your lower back pain. 
    • Proper nutrition and staying hydrated is important for healing. 
    • Exercise is good as long as it does not provoke your lower back pain. 
    • The use of heat may be beneficial to decrease lower back “tightness.” 
    • Let your healthcare provider know if you experience any onset of weakness or tingling in your legs. 
    • Let your healthcare provider know if your pain does not improve. 

    Physical therapy can be very helpful in the treatment of low back pain. 

    It’s time to feel better now! Tell your doctor, “Send me to Premier.”

    Call us NOW at 573-335-7868 to schedule your appointment today.

  • Are You Stretching Correctly? 5 Tips to Ready Your Muscles and Avoid Pain Later

    Are You Stretching Correctly? 5 Tips to Ready Your Muscles and Avoid Pain Later

    Stretching is a vital part of exercising and should be part of your daily routine. Although it may be tempting to skip stretching now and then, we need to stretch to ensure our muscles stay flexible, strong and healthy. Physical therapists often see athletes and patients who could benefit from stretching to help with various areas they may be deficient in, like their posture, range of motion, flexibility, stress levels, and circulation.
    Not only does stretching make us feel good, but it can also help avoid joint pain and strains in the long run. Use these five tips to make sure you are stretching correctly:

    1. Develop a daily routine

    • Our recommendation to stretch daily (or at least three to four times a week) doesn’t necessarily mean you need to stretch every single muscle every day. But tight muscles can affect your posture and create the potential for injury. For example, tight hip flexors along with weak abdominal muscles can result in an anterior pelvic tilt and contribute to increased stress on the back. If you sit in a desk chair all day, develop a routine that focuses on your lower half, like your calves, hip flexors, quadriceps in the front of your thighs, and your hamstrings. You should also aim to regularly stretch your shoulders, neck and lower back muscles. The routine should fit your personal needs.

    Here are just a few benefits of maintaining a regular stretching routine:

    • Reduced tension in muscles
    • Increased blood circulation
    • Increased energy levels (due to increased circulation)
    • Increased range of motion and flexibility
    • Enhanced muscular coordination

    2. Warm up before you stretch

    • Calling on your muscles to do strenuous activity like going on a run or playing a pick-up game of basketball without stretching can be harmful. Your muscles and tendons assist in moving your joints, and without the proper range of motion and flexibility they are more susceptible to being pulled or injured. For example, a lack of range of motion at the ankle and foot can contribute to Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis. Always warm up and stretch to ensure your muscles are ready, whatever the physical activity to follow may be.

    3. Be mindful of your stretching

    • Make sure to hold stretches for 30 seconds and avoid bouncing or other sudden jerks which can cause injury.
    • Stretching can help relieve tension and tightness in muscles caused by stress. Take a few minutes to unwind, stretch and improve your overall wellness. Physical activity helps to release feel-good hormones called endorphins in the brain — so stretching can be a natural mood booster as well.
    • Note: A slight tension during a stretch is normal, pain is not. If you do feel pain during a stretch there may be a strain, damage to the tissue or larger injury — in this case, stop stretching that muscle and contact your doctor.

    4. Stay consistent

    • Consistency is key when it comes to stretching. It may have taken weeks or months for your muscles to tighten, therefore it will take a while to help them loosen and gain flexibility. Stretching is a vital part of maintaining your mobility and independence and should be treated as such.

    5. Consult with a physical therapist

    • A physical therapist is the best source to help if you find yourself injured or in pain during or after a stretching session. Reach out to us today for a free injury screening!

    At Premier Physical Therapy, we focus daily on overall wellness and providing preventive care and maintaining healthy muscle flexibility. Contact us today at 573-335-7868 to set up an appointment and receive expert advice for any of your aches and pains. Our experienced team is always here to help.

  • Joint Pain/Arthritis 30-Day Challenge Recommendations

    Joint Pain/Arthritis 30-Day Challenge Recommendations

    Recommendations for Joint Pain/Arthritis 30-Day Challenge

    Stay hydrated and help detox your body

    • Drink 1 oz of water per half your body weight per day. (Example: If you weigh 150 pounds drink 75 ounces of water per day.)
    • Add lemon if available. Spread out consumption over the course of the day/night.
    • Try to avoid carbonated or flavored water (acidic in nature).
    • Water consumption will need to be increased if excessive sweating occurs due to exercise or being in the heat.

    Avoid excessive consumption of foods and drinks that cause an “acidic” response in the body as they can harmful to joints and bones.

    • Google “acidic forming food list” and limit food/drinks that cause an acidic response in the body. Acid attacks joints (cartilage) and bones (can cause osteoporosis also).
    • Focus on eating “alkaline” foods from your list, but never eat them by themselves.
    • Examples of acidic foods are carbonated beverages, fruit juices, sugar, excessive dairy, processed foods, excessive red meat, white flour, soft drinks, beer, cigarettes (and tobacco products), excessive bread and cereals, and excessive “white” pasta.

    Keep sugar consumption minimal

    • Avoid excessive consumption of food/drinks that have high sugar content or convert to sugar quickly such as highly refined or processed food.
    • Google “glycemic index” and print off a list of food/drinks, follow the food/drinks that have a “low or moderate” glycemic index. Avoid high glycemic index items.
    • NOTE: all diabetics should follow the glycemic index and avoid high glycemic index items to avoid “spikes” in their blood sugar levels.

    Avoid artificial sweeteners (Aspartame, Splenda/Sucralose, Saccharin/Sweet’N Low)

    • Use Stevia when possible.
    • Artificial sweeteners cause an acidic response that can be bad for joints and bones.

    Use the supplement MSM (organic sulfur) for joint health

    • Can reduce inflammation and get oxygen to cells (promotes healing).
    • Best “absorbed” by taking the powder form. Take 1/2 teaspoon, 2x per day with water.
    • MSM is sometimes also used as an ingredient in other joint health products that contain glucosamine and chondroitin.

    Take a daily vitamin

    • Avoid hard tablets and choose liquid, gummies, or capsules (soft) when available (hard tablets have a lower absorption rate).
    • Balanced Essentials and Nature’s Plus are examples of liquid vitamins (highest absorption rate).

    The Choice is in Your Hands

    You don’t have to live with joint pain any longer. If you’re suffering today, before you take another pill, we encourage you to call a physical therapist. At Premier Physical therapy, we can often see you as soon as the next day. Our trained professionals have dedicated their lives to understanding and treating pain, and they have helped hundreds of patients reach their goal of a pain-free lifestyle. Give us a call at 573-335-7868 and our experienced team can help.


    LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This is a recommendation intended only for informational purposes. Premier Physical Therapy & Rehab, L.L.C. (“Premier”) is not providing medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician prior to consuming any supplements or implementing any nutrition, diet, or exercise program. Premier offers no representations or warranties, expressed or implied. You understand that, by participating in any recommended nutrition, diet or exercise programs, or consuming any recommended supplements, there is a possibility of injury. By participating in any such program or regimen, you agree that you do so voluntarily, at your own risk, assuming all risk of injury to yourself, and you agree to release and hold harmless Premier from any and all liability.

  • Where You Go For Physical Therapy Is Your Choice.

    Where You Go For Physical Therapy Is Your Choice.

    When Medication and Rest Isn’t Enough, it’s Time to Choose Physical Therapy.Where You Go For Physical Therapy Is Your Choice!

    If you’re like most people, when pain and discomfort strikes, you schedule an appointment and have a conversation with your doctor. This is where we want to help you! Check out these key points below about How to Have the “Talk”, Physical Therapy is Your Choice, What to Consider When Making Your Choice for Physical Therapy, and Why Premier is the Right Choice.

    How to Have the “Talk” About Physical Therapy with Your Doctor
    After you’ve tried medication and rest and you’re still in pain and/or discomfort, you need to schedule a follow-up appointment with your doctor. That’s when it’s the right time for you or your doctor to bring up the idea of physical therapy. While medication and rest are effective at temporarily relieving some pain, physical therapy takes a different approach. Your physical therapy program’s goal is to identify the root of your problem, so that you not only relieve the pain and discomfort, but that you also don’t have a recurring issue. It’s the most effective way to getting you back to full strength and doing the things you love again.

    To get your physical therapy program started, you simply need to tell your doctor: “I want to go to Physical Therapy.” Your doctor can write a prescription that serves as a recommendation for your physical therapy program. Programs can range from orthopedic, spine, hand, and foot to aquatic, industrial and sports therapy.

    The Choice Is Yours
    Now that your decision to take that next step has been made, your doctor will ask you where you’d like to go to start your physical therapy program. It’s important to realize that while he or she may make suggestions, this choice is 100% yours. Where to go to physical therapy is your choice! If you’re not sure of where you’d like to go, you have the option to tell your doctor you’d like to visit a couple physical therapy offices first to make sure you go to the best place for you. Knowing that your program could last weeks or months, you should take your time in making this decision based on the factors that matter to you most.

    What To Consider When Making Your Physical Therapy Choice
    The Staff: Are the physical therapists fully trained and reputable? Are they specialized and experienced in serving patients with your unique needs?

    The Location and Hours: Keep in mind, you may be going to therapy two or three times per week. You’ll want to choose an office that has convenient hours, and one that is an easy stop before or after work, or close to your home.

    The Services Offered: Not every physical therapy office is the same. Some specialize in orthopedic and spinal injuries. Others specialize in sports injuries. You’ll want to make sure they’ll be able to serve you.

    Patient Recommendations: Be sure to check out online reviews, and ask around to find out where your friends, family and coworkers have found relief and positive results with a physical therapy program.

    Why Premier Physical Therapy Could be the Right Choice For You
    If you live in the Southeast Missouri area, you should consider Premier Physical Therapy. We are experts in creating a personalized, 5-star plan to relieve your pain, restore your strength, and get you back to 100%. We specialize in a variety of physical therapy approaches and services, ranging from orthopedic and spine to hand and sports injuries. In fact, 85% of area doctors have said that their first choice for where to send their family would be Premier.

    One more advantage is that we’re always ready to accept new patients and our goal is to see you within 24 hours.

    As you make your decision for where to go for physical therapy, remember that physical therapy is your choice. We encourage you to get to know the Premier team and check out reviews from our current and former patients. Once you get to know Premier and what we can do for you, all you have to do next is tell your doctor, “Send me to Premier!”

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