Strategies for Your Aching Back

It’s reported that approximately 80% of the population has back pain at some point in their life. There are different types of back pain, but today we will be discussing acute back pain versus chronic back pain.

Acute back pain is described as pain that comes on suddenly and lasts days to weeks. With this type of back pain, you may not know the cause of the pain. It could be from overexertion, like shoveling the snow, or unusual physical activity. Some helpful pain management strategies include:

  • Medication and heat. Applying heat to the affected area for up to 15 minutes twice a day and taking over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may help. 
  • Move as much as you are able. Resting may seem like the answer, but movement may help you get back to normal more quickly. Don’t overdo it, but know that movement is a good thing.
  • See your doctor. There are several instances where your pain can warrant the need for immediate medical attention. Some of these signs that you should not ignore are:
    • Your pain is getting worse and keeping you from completing your daily tasks.
    • You have additional symptoms, including fever, weakness in your legs, difficulty walking, or urinary incontinence. 
    • You have an existing disease.

Chronic pain is described as pain that lasts longer than three months and interferes with your life. At this point, seeing a doctor and finding out the root cause of your pain would be a good start. Below are a few natural strategies that your doctor may recommend to help with your pain.

  • Go to physical therapy. Here at Premier Physical Therapy, we have a toolbox of techniques to help alleviate pain and strengthen your core and back muscles. We think long-term, so that’s why we use strengthening exercises. We set you up with all the tools you need to continue your plan at home after therapy.
  • Adjust your posture. Posture can play a role in back pain, and making some simple changes can help you feel much better. Imagine trying to retrain your brain – it can be done; it just takes patience and consistency.

No matter what type of back pain you’re experiencing, it’s important to understand that you CAN feel better. The first step is finding out the CAUSE of the pain. Seeing a physical therapist at Premier Physical Therapy is a great way to understand your back pain and start your treatment to get better.

It’s time to feel better NOW! Call your doctor NOW to get your script! Then, give us a call TODAY to schedule an appointment at 573-335-7868.

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