1. Stay hydrated. 

Drinking plenty of fluids is vital for keeping your joints lubricated and flushing out toxins. You should drink 1 ounce of water per half your body weight per day. If you don’t prefer plain water, try adding fresh fruit to it!

2. Keep moving.

Exercise helps with arthritis pain, so exercise indoors if needed to keep moving during these winter months. Some exercise ideas that can be completed indoors are: walking in the mall, swimming, signing up for a yoga or stretching class, riding a stationary bike, or walking on the treadmill.

3. Dress to stay warm.

If you don’t dress appropriately during cold weather, the reduced blood flow to your joints can cause stiffness and pain. Be sure to dress in layers and consider wearing a hat, waterproof shoes, and gloves. 

4. Use heat!

Heat can increase your joint mobility and decrease the pain you are experiencing. Some examples of using heat are a heating pad, heated blanket, warm bath, or even a warm shower.

5. Prevent Falls.

During icy weather, ff you plan to go out in the weather, pick good shoes with treads on the bottom to help you walk. If it seems too slick, call for help so you don’t further your joint damage. 

Premier Physical Therapy is the only provider to offer a 5-star plan for treating pain. We are proud of our comprehensive approach to relieving pain, and the results have been phenomenal. Whether your pain is in the winter, summer, spring or fall, our team is ready to make it go away.

Our 5-star plan includes thorough examinations, personalized treatment plans, one-on-one treatment sessions, progress surveys and preventative measures for the future. You don’t have to suffer from pain – there is a way to get relief. And remember, the pain you feel is the body’s way of telling you something is wrong. The longer you wait to treat it, the worse it will become. So take your first step toward relief today and call us at 573-335-7868.