Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Spine Healthy

The spine is one of the most important bones in your body. There’s a reason ‘backbone’ is used in so many analogies! Spine pain can cause, and be caused, by other factors, such as headaches, foot pain, shoulder and neck pain, and immobility. If you experience these ailments there are ways you can improve and maintain your spine health.


You’ve heard it since you were a kid, “sit up straight, don’t slouch.” But . . . seriously, it works. Improving your posture is the best way to keep a spine healthy, especially if you sit at a desk all day. Make sure your arms rest comfortably on your desk when you’re at a computer – no lift in the shoulders. Take plenty of standing breaks, and consider investing in the proper chair, or even a posture lift.


Daily stretches are great for relieving pain long term. Experiment with what works best for you. Yoga is usually a good start since it’s gentle and non abrasive. Here are some poses that can help with spine health.

Heat and Exercise

There are lots of options to try to give your back pain some at-home therapy. Heat application is a great way to loosen muscles and relax. When needed, put yourself into a comfortable position on your stomach and use a heat pad on the affected area for 15 – 20 minutes.

Water therapy is also great for back pain and and will help keep your spine healthy. Soak in a hot tub, go swimming, or (if it’s comfortable) sit in a warm bath.

If you can, try taking a walk every day. If you’re seeing a doctor for your spine check with them to make sure you’re healthy enough for physical exercise. It doesn’t have to be a jog, just put on comfortable shoes and enjoy a stroll . . . this will strengthen your core muscles and keep your back aligned.


Check to see if there’s anything missing from your diet that could be causing you pain. Make sure you’re drinking water every day, and getting vitamin D and calcium – good for strong bones. Talk to your healthcare provider about supplements that might help keep your spine healthy.

Check Your Shoes

One of the biggest perpetrators in back pain is improper footwear. Do you wear flat shoes like sandals or slip-ons? Are you standing on your feet all day, or do a lot of walking? The impact on your feet will go directly to your spine, so make sure your shoes are comfortable. Invest in some well-padded sneakers, or get some shoe inserts.

See a Doctor

If you’re experiencing chronic pain despite healthy practices, see your doctor or a physical therapist, they can work with you to find the main issue causing your back pain and help to relieve it.

By combining all of these practices into a daily routine you can free yourself of back pain and keep your spine healthy for the long run. Remember to always see a professional if your pain persists or gets worse. Premier Physical Therapy will help.

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