Category: Sport Therapy

  • Get Moving!

    Get Moving!

    Physical activity can play an important role in your life and reduce the risk of many diseases. There was a study completed by the CDC, and it said, “About 1 in 4 Americans is physically inactive. The CDC defines “inactive” as not taking part in any physical activity outside of work in the past month.” As a country, we are inactive comparatively, but with regular physical activity and encouraging others to move, we can improve ourselves!

    So what can physical activity prevent or help with?

    It is shown that physical activity can reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stress, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, several cancers, dementia, and depression. “Getting enough physical activity could prevent 1 in 10 premature deaths,” said Ruth Petersen, MD, Director of CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, in a press release. We want you to be healthy and live a long, happy life.

    Each age range has a different suggested amount of time to be active, so see what category you and your family are in and make a plan!

    Preschool-aged children (ages 3 through 5 years) should be physically active for at least 3 hours, if not more. Adult caregivers should encourage active play that includes a variety of activity types and limits the sitting-around time, such as screen time.

    Children and adolescents (ages 6 through 17 years) need at least 60 minutes or more of activity a day. This includes activities to strengthen bones, build muscles, and get the heart beating faster.

    Adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week and at least 2 days for muscle-strengthening activities. Adding more time provides further benefits.

    Older adults (ages 65 and older) should do at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity a week and include muscle-strengthening activities 2 days a week. You should also add components, such as balance training as well. If you have limitations due to preexisting conditions, consult with a health care provider and be as physically active as your abilities allow.

    Pregnant and postpartum women who were physically active before pregnancy can continue these activities during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, but they should consult their health care provider about any necessary adjustments.

    Adults with chronic health conditions and disabilities, who are able, should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week. You should consult with a health care provider about the types and amounts that are appropriate for you.

    Physical Therapy can help you get moving!

    Physical therapists are movement experts and can help pinpoint the cause of your pain, make a plan, and help you reach your goals. If you are having issues with your mobility or have pain limiting you, ask your doctor if you can try physical therapy. Tell your doctor, “Send me to Premier.”



    Flavish, Paul, and Kathleen Creedon. “1 In 4 Americans Is Not Physically Active, According to the CDC.” Texas Public Radio, 20 Jan. 2022,

    US Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: US Dept of Health and Human Services; 2018. Accessed November 14, 2018.

    US Department of Health and Human Services. Move Your Way. Washington, DC: US Dept of Health and Human Services. Accessed November 14, 2018

    US Department of Health and Human Services. 60 A Day! Move Your Way. Washington, DC: Dept of Health and Human Services. Accessed November 14, 2018.

    US Department of Health and Human Services. What’s your move? Move Your Way. Washington, DC: Dept of Health and Human Services. Accessed November 14, 2018.

  • 3 Tips to Ease Back into Spring Sports

    3 Tips to Ease Back into Spring Sports

    It is officially Spring, which means that more sports are coming to life with this warmer weather. You may have kept up your fitness during the winter months, but if you play tennis, softball, baseball, soccer, or other sports, you probably didn’t stay fully engaged in the sport. Some of you may have taken an off-season, and it may be months since you have engaged in physical activity. 

    If you jump right back into the sport(s), you can cause some injuries, so it is important to slowly get back into your routine. Your skills should return, but be conscientious that you may have lost some muscle since you last worked out or were active in the sport.

    Check out these 3 tips to help you ease back into Spring Sports 

    Stretch Daily

    It is important to loosen your muscles as you get back into sports. Stretch before and after each workout or practice. Depending on what sport you play can determine which part of the body to focus on stretching. For example, tennis players should focus on stretching their upper body and arms. Again, focus on form and getting a good stretch while staying steady. Read more here on stretching

    Listen to Your Body

    As you get into your routines, you will feel soreness, but you need to listen to your body. Then, with RICE, rest, ice, compression, and elevation, you can address the pain or sore. If the pain is lingering, schedule an appointment with your doctor to ensure you don’t have an injury that could affect you now, along with later in the season. 

    Drink & Eat Right

    Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water can help provide energy as you play sports. Conversely, if you don’t eat right, you are more likely to be tired and perform poorly during sports. The recommended water intake is to drink 1 oz of water per half your body weight daily. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 oz of water per day. Read more here at

    Our Premier Physical Therapy team is trained to help athletes get back to their sports. So if you have pain or an injury, don’t wait; go see your doctor, and if they recommend physical therapy tell them, “Send me to Premier Physical Therapy.”

  • Are You Stretching Correctly? 5 Tips to Ready Your Muscles and Avoid Pain Later

    Are You Stretching Correctly? 5 Tips to Ready Your Muscles and Avoid Pain Later

    Stretching is a vital part of exercising and should be part of your daily routine. Although it may be tempting to skip stretching now and then, we need to stretch to ensure our muscles stay flexible, strong and healthy. Physical therapists often see athletes and patients who could benefit from stretching to help with various areas they may be deficient in, like their posture, range of motion, flexibility, stress levels, and circulation.
    Not only does stretching make us feel good, but it can also help avoid joint pain and strains in the long run. Use these five tips to make sure you are stretching correctly:

    1. Develop a daily routine

    • Our recommendation to stretch daily (or at least three to four times a week) doesn’t necessarily mean you need to stretch every single muscle every day. But tight muscles can affect your posture and create the potential for injury. For example, tight hip flexors along with weak abdominal muscles can result in an anterior pelvic tilt and contribute to increased stress on the back. If you sit in a desk chair all day, develop a routine that focuses on your lower half, like your calves, hip flexors, quadriceps in the front of your thighs, and your hamstrings. You should also aim to regularly stretch your shoulders, neck and lower back muscles. The routine should fit your personal needs.

    Here are just a few benefits of maintaining a regular stretching routine:

    • Reduced tension in muscles
    • Increased blood circulation
    • Increased energy levels (due to increased circulation)
    • Increased range of motion and flexibility
    • Enhanced muscular coordination

    2. Warm up before you stretch

    • Calling on your muscles to do strenuous activity like going on a run or playing a pick-up game of basketball without stretching can be harmful. Your muscles and tendons assist in moving your joints, and without the proper range of motion and flexibility they are more susceptible to being pulled or injured. For example, a lack of range of motion at the ankle and foot can contribute to Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis. Always warm up and stretch to ensure your muscles are ready, whatever the physical activity to follow may be.

    3. Be mindful of your stretching

    • Make sure to hold stretches for 30 seconds and avoid bouncing or other sudden jerks which can cause injury.
    • Stretching can help relieve tension and tightness in muscles caused by stress. Take a few minutes to unwind, stretch and improve your overall wellness. Physical activity helps to release feel-good hormones called endorphins in the brain — so stretching can be a natural mood booster as well.
    • Note: A slight tension during a stretch is normal, pain is not. If you do feel pain during a stretch there may be a strain, damage to the tissue or larger injury — in this case, stop stretching that muscle and contact your doctor.

    4. Stay consistent

    • Consistency is key when it comes to stretching. It may have taken weeks or months for your muscles to tighten, therefore it will take a while to help them loosen and gain flexibility. Stretching is a vital part of maintaining your mobility and independence and should be treated as such.

    5. Consult with a physical therapist

    • A physical therapist is the best source to help if you find yourself injured or in pain during or after a stretching session. Reach out to us today for a free injury screening!

    At Premier Physical Therapy, we focus daily on overall wellness and providing preventive care and maintaining healthy muscle flexibility. Contact us today at 573-335-7868 to set up an appointment and receive expert advice for any of your aches and pains. Our experienced team is always here to help.

  • Physical Therapy for Student-Athletes

    Physical Therapy for Student-Athletes

    Tips for Keeping Student Athletes Safe and Healthy

    Sports are a great way for children to exercise and learn about important life skills, such as teamwork and discipline. But, one thing they shouldn’t have to learn about too early is the consequences of sports injuries. Whether it’s a severe injury like a broken bone or a minor overuse injury like muscle strains, here are some tips for reducing injuries among student-athletes.

    Preventing Overuse Injuries in Youth Baseball

    Each year, thousands of children who play baseball suffer from elbow or shoulder pain. This pain is often caused by damage to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), usually the result of pitchers throwing too much. To avoid overuse injuries, remember to warm up properly by stretching and ease into pitching with some easy, gradual throwing. Also, don’t keep player in the same position for too long – rotate them regularly. Also, try to stick to a limited number of pitches for each player so they don’t develop overuse injuries.

    How to Prevent Injuries in Youth Basketball

    Over 1.6 million children play youth basketball every year. And while there is technically no contact, it is still a fast-paced, injury-prone sport. Children often suffer from ankle sprains, jammed fingers, knee injuries, bruises, cuts and even stress fractures. To help prevent basketball injury from occurring on the court, make sure the team stays hydrated and doesn’t get overheated (especially when playing outdoors). Remember to stretch before playing and keep a close eye on players that appear to be fatigued.

    Tips For Preventing Youth Soccer Injuries

    While soccer may not be as popular in the United States as it is elsewhere in the world, over 3 million kids play in youth soccer leagues. It provides aerobic exercise and helps develop balance, agility, coordination, and a sense of teamwork. However, it’s also a high-risk sport for injury, including overuse of the lower extremities, falls, cuts, bruises and sprains. To prevent injury, use well-fitting cleats and shin guards. Also, pay close attention to poor field conditions, as this can increase the likelihood of falls and other injuries. Make sure your balls are properly inflated and that the goals are well secured. And like all sports, make sure youth players stay hydrated.

    Choose 5-Star Care For Your Youth Athletes

    If you’re a coach of kids sports, or the parent of a youth athlete, you can count on Premier to deliver the best physical therapy for children. At Premier, you can count on our experienced staff of therapists to help your child get back to the games they love and give them pointers on how to reduce their risk of future injury. Premier Physical Therapy is also the only provider in the region to offer a 5-Star Plan for pain. Our comprehensive approach to pain relief is what sets us apart. Sport injuries do not just happen.If your child is feeling pain then do not ignore those symptoms. Call us today at 573-335-7868 for an injury screening!

  • Physical Therapy for Athletes

    Physical Therapy for Athletes

    How Physical Therapy For Athletes Helps You Stay At The Top of Your Game

    When you step onto the field (or court), you want to be focused on the game – not your pain. Sports injuries are often an inevitable part of the game, but they shouldn’t keep you from doing what you love. Our physical therapists work closely with athletes to better understand their unique medical history and the risks involved.

    Whether you play tennis, soccer, football, baseball, swimming or running, physical therapy will help you recover from sports injuries and reduce your risk for future injury. Ultimately, the goal of physical therapy for athletes is to maximize their performance in sports, athletics, exercise, and all physical activities.


    How to Treat Sports Injuries

    Sports injuries commonly occur in two ways: first, when your body accustomed to the activity. Second, when the body becomes overworked (often in a repetitious way). Working with a physical therapist can help treat these injuries because they provide professional advice and a non-abrasive exercise schedule designed to keep your body healthy without overexertion. Here are few specific tips for treating sports-related injuries:


    Tips for Knee Injuries

    Knee injuries can be devastating sport injuries for any athlete. The most common types of knee injuries include inflammation (due to overuse) and ligament injuries. You can reduce inflammation by resting and applying ice. to the knee. You can also try some low-impact home exercises to help strengthen your knee, including straight leg raises, hamstring curls and seated knee extensions. Remember, knee injuries should be allowed to fully heal before you return to athletics.

    Tips for Hamstring Injuries

    A strain occurs when the fibers and tendons that anchor muscles to the bones are stretched excessively. They’re painful, but not always serious. If you suffer from a hamstring strain, rest the leg and apply ice to reduce pain. If the injury results in bruising, try applying compression bandage and elevate the leg to assist the healing process. To avoid future hamstring injuries, make sure to stretch every part of your body before and after play.


    Tips for Groin Injuries

    This sensitive area is always at risk when it comes to sport injuries. Groin strains occur when your muscle is overstretched or torn. Depending on the severity, you may not be able to walk without pain, so take it easy when recovering from this injury. Always wear a cup and protective padding during practice or play and do gentle stretches to keep the muscles flexible.


    Tips for Shin Splint Injuries

    This painful injury is common with runners, as the muscles in the legs become swollen from overuse. Shin Splints are actually microtears in the muscle and bone tissue caused by stress fractures or flat feet. They commonly occur when an workout routine is intensified. If you experience shin splints, take plenty of time to let them heal and ice the affected area to reduce pain. To prevent them from coming back, consider shoe inserts for added support.


    Tips for Tennis Elbow Injuries

    Lateral epicondylitis is a classic repetitive stress injury that comes from overuse of a certain body part – like your arm when you play tennis. If you suffer from tennis elbow pain, RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) is the best course of action. And remember, you can help prevent repetitive movement injuries with appropriate exercises and taking extended breaks to avoid exertion. If you still suffer from tennis elbow regularly, have a physical therapist evaluate your arm movement and make recommendations to reduce your risk of injury.


    Tips for Ankle Injuries

    Ankle sprains are one of the most common types of sport injuries. An ankle sprain is caused when a ligament – the band that connects bones at the joints – is torn or stretched. Immediately after a sprain, use RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation). Do not use heat on an ankle sprain – it can cause additional swelling. To strengthen your ankle muscles, use a resistance band while going through the full range of motion of your foot and ankle. Consult a physical therapist for specific low-impact exercises you can do at home.

    Choose 5-Star Results

    If you’re a sports athlete, the right physical therapy provider can mean the difference between a great season and sitting the season out. At Premier, you can count on our experienced staff of therapists to help you reach your personal best while minimizing your risk of injury. Premier Physical Therapy is also the only provider in the region to offer a 5-Star Plan for pain. Our comprehensive approach to pain relief is what sets us apart. Call us today at 573-335-7868.

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