It is officially Spring, which means that more sports are coming to life with this warmer weather. You may have kept up your fitness during the winter months, but if you play tennis, softball, baseball, soccer, or other sports, you probably didn’t stay fully engaged in the sport. Some of you may have taken an off-season, and it may be months since you have engaged in physical activity. 

If you jump right back into the sport(s), you can cause some injuries, so it is important to slowly get back into your routine. Your skills should return, but be conscientious that you may have lost some muscle since you last worked out or were active in the sport.

Check out these 3 tips to help you ease back into Spring Sports 

Stretch Daily

It is important to loosen your muscles as you get back into sports. Stretch before and after each workout or practice. Depending on what sport you play can determine which part of the body to focus on stretching. For example, tennis players should focus on stretching their upper body and arms. Again, focus on form and getting a good stretch while staying steady. Read more here on stretching

Listen to Your Body

As you get into your routines, you will feel soreness, but you need to listen to your body. Then, with RICE, rest, ice, compression, and elevation, you can address the pain or sore. If the pain is lingering, schedule an appointment with your doctor to ensure you don’t have an injury that could affect you now, along with later in the season. 

Drink & Eat Right

Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water can help provide energy as you play sports. Conversely, if you don’t eat right, you are more likely to be tired and perform poorly during sports. The recommended water intake is to drink 1 oz of water per half your body weight daily. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 oz of water per day. Read more here at

Our Premier Physical Therapy team is trained to help athletes get back to their sports. So if you have pain or an injury, don’t wait; go see your doctor, and if they recommend physical therapy tell them, “Send me to Premier Physical Therapy.”