Premier Physical Therapy Receives Best Christian Workplace Certification

Premier Physical Therapy has received certification as a Best Christian Workplace. Premier has achieved highly-respected recognition for two consecutive years now. So, what does it mean to be a “Best Christian Workplace?” To have a flourishing business that understands and works towards having a fantastic team, life-giving work, outstanding talent, uplifting growth, rewarding compensation, inspirational leadership, sustainable strategy, and healthy communication. 

Premier Physical Therapy founder and CEO Dennis Riney states, “We’re honored to receive this certification and look forward to continued improvement as we are driven by our Purpose “to glorify God in everything they do and be a positive influence to all they serve.”  This includes their patients, collaborating healthcare providers, and the communities they serve. 

The Premier team is grateful to have leadership that strives to constantly improve to make it a place where team members feel cared about and excited about their work. But, Dennis adds, “we firmly believe we have to have the right team in place to fulfill our mission,  “to grow the Premier family by providing the ultimate physical therapy experience.” 

The Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI) said, “We’re excited to see them make greater impact through a healthy workplace culture. Congrats to this Certified Best Christian Workplace!” Being certified is an honor, and we are grateful for the recognition from BCWI.

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