Vertigo is a feeling or sensation that the environment around you is spinning or moving, even when you are not moving. It can also be described as dizziness or comparable to motion sickness. This condition, vertigo, can affect people of every age. However, it is most common in adults over the age of 20, but it can be more hazardous for those over the age of 65 because of the balance issues it causes. It affects nearly 40% of Americans sometime during their life.

The most common type of vertigo happens when there is an issue in one’s inner ear. Vertigo typically lasts for a few hours or days, but it can last longer for more severe cases. If you are feeling a sudden change that feels like these symptoms, our recommendation would be to see your healthcare provider.

Physical therapy is an effective treatment for those suffering from vertigo. Thankfully patients can see relief within 1-3 sessions. We know that if you are feeling unsteady, sick, and dizzy, you want to feel normal as soon as possible. So tell your doctor, “Send me to Premier,” or call our team at 573-335-7868.