5 Common Causes of Back Pain


Wondering what might be causing your back pain? Back pain typically stems from mechanical issues. Typically, mechanical pain results from bad habits, such as poor posture, poorly-designed seating, and incorrect bending and lifting motions. In a lot of cases, low back pain is associated with regular wear and tear that happens in the discs, joints, and bones of the spine when people age. However, there are a number of different mechanical issues that can cause pain in your back. Below, we lay out a few of the most common causes of lower back pain:

5 Common Causes of Back Pain

  • Sprains and strains are the cause of most acute back pain. Sprains are caused by overstretching or tearing ligaments, and strains are tears in tendon or muscle. Both of these can occur from lifting or twisting something improperly, overstretching, or lifting something heavy. These types of movements can also trigger painful muscle spasms in your back.
  • Intervertebral disc degeneration is a common mechanical cause of lower back pain. It occurs when the rubbery discs degenerate as a process of aging. In a healthy back, these discs provide height and allow flexing and bending of the lower back. These discs lose their cushioning ability as they deteriorate.
  • Sciatica is caused by compression of the sciatic nerve. This is the large nerve that travels through the buttocks and extends down the back of the leg. 
  • A traumatic injury, such as from car accidents, playing sports, or falling can injure ligaments, tendons, or muscle causing pain in the lower back. 
  • Skeletal irregularities include scoliosis, lordosis, and other congenital anomalies of the spine.

Some other, less common but serious causes of back pain are:

  • Infections, Tumors, Cauda equina syndrome, Abdominal aortic aneurysms, or Kidney stones

Other conditions that can make people more susceptible to back pain include 

  • Inflammatory diseases of the joints, Osteoporosis, Endometriosis, and Fibromyalgia

No matter what type of back pain you’re experiencing, it’s important to understand that you CAN feel better. The first step is finding out the CAUSE of the pain. The above causes are just a few of the common causes of back pain. To find out what is causing your back pain, you need to see a healthcare provider. Seeing a physical therapist at Premier Physical Therapy is a great way to understand your back pain and to start your treatment to get better.

It’s time to feel better NOW! Call your doctor NOW to get your script! Then, give us a call TODAY to schedule an appointment at 573-335-7868.

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