Category: Other

  • 4 Self Help Suggestions for Pain and/or Swelling

    When to use heat?

    Heat can be used for stiffness, arthritis, muscle pain, back or neck pain. Heat may be preferred for chronic or long-lasting stiffness and acute muscle soreness.

    Note: Heat should NOT be used for the first 3-5 days after joint sprains such as with new knee or ankle injuries. Heat is preferred prior to activity, but can be used following physical activities as well.

    Why? Heat can help relax and loosen up tense muscles and stiff joints allowing for decreased pain and improved overall movement. Heat may also increase blood flow to the area applied.

    Tips for Heat: Many heating products are available for purchase. Electric heating pads, hot-packs, warm damp towels, or even warm showers/baths may be beneficial. To be most effective, apply heat 10-20 minutes.


    When to use cold?

    Cold can be used for new or acute injuries such as joint sprains, strains, tendinitis, and when recovering from a surgery. Cold may also be beneficial when experiencing swelling and/or bruising along with pain.

    Note: Always use a barrier such as a washcloth or light towel between the skin and the cold pack/ice to prevent potential injury to the skin.

    Why? Use of cold can help reduce pain by numbing the area and can help reduce swelling by decreasing the amount of blood flow to the injured area. This may help slow the inflammatory response.

    Tips for Icing: The quicker cold is applied the better – cold should be used immediately following injury or surgery. Cold should be used a maximum of 20 minutes per session. Cold packs, cold compress and homemade ice-packs can be used. Frozen vegetables or frozen fruit can be substituted if you do not have an ice-pack. Cold is best used when secured to the area being treated.


    When to use compression?

    Compression can be used for acute injuries or conditions such as arthritis or chronic joint pain that have swelling associated with them. Some examples are joint sprains/strains, bruising, following surgery, or joints with persistent swelling with or without pain.

    Note: Ensure that the compression is not too tight. Check for numbness, tingling or swelling below the area that the compression is used.

    Why? Use of compression or wrapping to the injured/involved area may help decrease the overall swelling and thus improve movement and
    decrease pain.

    Tips for Compression: Compression wraps or compression sleeves may be used. Various types are available. Compression wraps are preferred for short-term use and compression sleeves are recommended for more long term use. If wraps are used start distally and work proximally. Comfort is key.


    When should you elevate?

    Elevation should be used to reduce swelling and decrease discomfort associated with swelling. Elevation can be performed with new or acute injuries as well as following surgery. Elevation can also be used to decrease “fluid retention” in chronic situations such as swelling in the legs.

    Note: Compression can be used with elevation to maximize the benefit (see precautions associated with use of compression).

    Why: Elevation can help decrease swelling and bruising. Elevation may limit bleeding to the injured area as well as promoting drainage of “inflammation” into the lymphatic system.

    Tips for Elevation: Keep area of swelling elevated area above the heart if possible. Pillows, wedges, or rolled up towels may be helpful to prop up your arm or leg. In instances of chronic swelling in the feet and ankles, both legs may be propped at the same time.

    Talk with your healthcare provider if you do not notice an improvement with your pain and/or swelling or if you feel concerned. Physical therapy may be right for you. If so, tell your doctor you want to go to Premier. We’re here to help you. Call us at 573-335-7868.
    For other tips and information visit our website at

  • 5 Arthritis Tips for Winter

    5 Arthritis Tips for Winter

    1. Stay hydrated. 

    Drinking plenty of fluids is vital for keeping your joints lubricated and flushing out toxins. You should drink 1 ounce of water per half your body weight per day. If you don’t prefer plain water, try adding fresh fruit to it!

    2. Keep moving.

    Exercise helps with arthritis pain, so exercise indoors if needed to keep moving during these winter months. Some exercise ideas that can be completed indoors are: walking in the mall, swimming, signing up for a yoga or stretching class, riding a stationary bike, or walking on the treadmill.

    3. Dress to stay warm.

    If you don’t dress appropriately during cold weather, the reduced blood flow to your joints can cause stiffness and pain. Be sure to dress in layers and consider wearing a hat, waterproof shoes, and gloves. 

    4. Use heat!

    Heat can increase your joint mobility and decrease the pain you are experiencing. Some examples of using heat are a heating pad, heated blanket, warm bath, or even a warm shower.

    5. Prevent Falls.

    During icy weather, ff you plan to go out in the weather, pick good shoes with treads on the bottom to help you walk. If it seems too slick, call for help so you don’t further your joint damage. 

    Premier Physical Therapy is the only provider to offer a 5-star plan for treating pain. We are proud of our comprehensive approach to relieving pain, and the results have been phenomenal. Whether your pain is in the winter, summer, spring or fall, our team is ready to make it go away.

    Our 5-star plan includes thorough examinations, personalized treatment plans, one-on-one treatment sessions, progress surveys and preventative measures for the future. You don’t have to suffer from pain – there is a way to get relief. And remember, the pain you feel is the body’s way of telling you something is wrong. The longer you wait to treat it, the worse it will become. So take your first step toward relief today and call us at 573-335-7868.

  • Insurance Shouldn’t be Something you Dread

    Insurance Shouldn’t be Something you Dread

    When it comes to understanding your insurance benefits, it can cause you a lot of confusion and be a headache to deal with. Most insurance plans will break down your benefits for you when you sign up, but it can still be confusing. Deductibles, Out-of-Pockets, Co-Insurance, and Copays, are the main words to look at when it comes to insurance plans and understanding what is owed when it comes to using your medical insurance.

    A deductible is the dollar amount you are required to meet before your insurance company will pick up any percentage of your claims. Along with your deductible, there is an out-of-pocket amount, typically when that out-of-pocket amount is met, then your services are covered at 100%, and your insurance pays your medical claims in full. That is always a great feeling!

    Then you have Co-payments; this is the dollar amount that is usually owed upfront to your medical provider on the day you receive your medical service. Typically, if you pay a copay, your insurance provider picks up the remainder of what is owed. Patients who have Medicare as their primary insurance are not always aware that a Medicare deductible has to be reached every year before Medicare picks up that 80%. Some secondary insurances pick up that balance, but not all do, so in the event that the secondary insurances do not pick it up, that is patient responsibility.

    At Premier Physical Therapy, we make it easy for you by verifying your benefits ahead of your initial appointment. So when you come in for that first visit, you are aware of your physical or occupational therapy is going towards your deductible or if it is going towards a copay. We want you to be comfortable and have knowledge of what you could be responsible for. We are providers for almost all major insurance companies, and if you have insurance that we are not in-network with, wework with you to ensure you get treated for the pain or lack of function you are experiencing.

    Using your medical insurance shouldn’t be something you dread dealing with. You should be comfortable knowing your benefits and what your insurance pays, or what you could be responsible for. You can always call your insurance provider and speak to member services to better understand what you could be liable for before receiving treatment or seeing your doctor. You can always request your EOB’s (explanation of benefits); this explains how your insurance processed your claims. This could be helpful to you if you are unsure how much applied to your deductible or to understand what was billed and what you are responsible for. Most people tend to pay their bills without even checking how their insurance processed the claim. It’s always best to double-check than to assume your insurance processed your claim correctly.

    At Premier Physical Therapy, we strive to make sure you are comfortable and understand your Physical and Occupational Therapy benefits. So don’t wait to see a healthcare provider because you are not sure about your insurance; take the steps to make yourself feel better to get back to what you enjoy doing.

  • Faithfully

    The word faith is mentioned in the Bible 270 times, so it must be important, right? What does faith really mean, and how can having it really help us? How do we increase our faith? Is it possible? What does it really mean to live a life of having Faith over Fear? 

    We can all benefit from having strong faith. I don’t think having too much faith is possible…. I’ve never heard anyone say, “that person has too much faith.” Interestingly, aren’t we naturally drawn to those who are strong in their faith? It’s also important that we have the right kind of faith in the important areas of our lives. I’m not talking about having faith in hitting it big on the lottery. 

    All great accomplishments, feats of overcoming unbelievable odds, and miracles all have started with having faith. Sometimes our faith (belief), our hope, is all we have. I’ve seen examples of extradentary faith in my patients and my team. I’ve seen patients overcome significant disability or injury, and I’ve seen others who have a physical condition that limits them greatly. Still, it’s the strength of their faith that allows them to be happy and see the good in their life and others. 

    What is this faith that we speak of, and how do I make it stronger? Faith is certainly like a muscle and can be strengthened. It can be strengthened regardless of age, economic status, what your last name is, or where you may be physically, emotionally, or spiritually at this very moment. Faith is trusting and committing to God. It is believing His Word. His Word of belief, hope, love, peace, how to have real joy, and happiness… no matter what the condition. 

    Is there a way to strengthen our faith? The good news is yes; there is a way! A way that will help improve our faith and fitness of all areas of our life: physical, emotional, and most important of all spiritual. The steps to improve your faith are: 

    1. Pray – acknowledge, admit, seek wisdom, strength, courage, forgiveness, give thanks. To have a personal relationship, we must communicate with God. Any prayer is better than nothing.
    2. Read – spend time in the Word. Start with the book of John. Use the Bible app. Make it a daily routine. Search out areas you’re interested in. Join a bible study.
    3. Act – Faith is a verb. It’s action! Faith requires work. It’s not passive.
    4. Association – Love others where they are, but don’t allow them to drain your faith, try to inspire them. Faith is contagious. Hang out with others who have faith. Help a church grow.
    5. Be patient – and never give up- remember it’s about God’s timing and His will.
    6. Have a grateful heart – see the good in life and others. Keep a journal if needed.
    7. Share – share your faith with others. Your testimony (your story) is very valuable. 

    “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” 

    —Hebrews 11:1 

    Thank you to all who help fulfill our Premier Vision –To glorify God in everything we do by being a positive influence to all we serve. I pray for you all. My greatest hope for you is that your faith overcomes your fears. 

    God Bless, 

    Dennis Riney, PT
    Founder of Premier Physical Therapy

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