You don’t have to play tennis to get diagnosed with Lateral epicondylitis, otherwise known as Tennis elbow.  

Tennis elbow is a condition that occurs when the lateral, outside of the elbow.  With this condition, pain is felt in the elbow when lifting items overhanded, such as a coffee cup or water bottle, or noted when reaching to pick up an item.  

The structure mainly responsible for this condition is the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB). Its job is to help the wrist move up and back. It starts at the outside of your elbow and crosses both your elbow and wrist joint. With constant use, this tenuous attachment to the bone at the elbow can be injured, causing pain, weakness, and swelling.

In the past, at Premier Physical Therapy, we have been treating Tennis elbow with a range of effective modalities. Our specific stretches for the ECRB, specific transverse friction massage to the ECRB, and specific strengthening have all been designed to heal the health of the ECRB tendon. You can trust in our expertise and experience.  

But the real game-changer this year has been the Deep Tissue Laser.  It’s not just a new tool; it’s a source of relief. It’s made a huge impact on recovery from this condition, shortening the recovery time and getting people back to doing what they love. It’s a comforting solution to your pain!  

Come in to see us if you have been having lateral elbow pain.  See what it feels like to live without elbow pain!