Does your pain qualify for physical therapy? Find out by asking yourself these questions.

When Did Your Pain Start?

If your pain was recently caused by a minor injury or overactivity, you might consider rest and over-the-counter pain medication as your first course of action. Soreness from extensive physical activity is normal and may go away on its own. Injuries, too, can result in temporary aches and pain. However, if the pain persists despite rest and OTC medication, you should consult your primary care physician. If they recommend physical therapy, remember you have a choice! Choose Premier Physical Therapy.

Do You Know What Caused Your Pain?

Sometimes it’s obvious (an injury or pushing yourself too hard during physical activity). Other times, pain can seem to manifest without warning. If you are struggling with a mystery pain, Premier Physical Therapy can help you find out what’s going on – and do it for FREE. We offer a free pain consultation to help you get to the bottom of your pain and understand what’s causing it. And, if necessary, we can talk you through the next steps of seeing your doctor and getting a prescription for ongoing physical therapy.

Do You Change Your Routine to Avoid Pain?

Do you find yourself changing certain aspects of your daily life to accommodate pain? Do you move pantry items to a lower shelf to avoid reaching over your head? Do you avoid going up and down stairs? You shouldn’t let chronic pain control your day. Talk to your primary care physician about your chronic pain. The longer you wait, the greater the chance your pain will progress and feel worse.

Is the Pain Keeping You from Certain Activities?

Is a lingering pain keeping you from enjoying something you once loved to do? Maybe a morning jog or playing with the grandkids? Chronic pain can often start small, but slowly get worse over time. It’s easy to tell ourselves we’re just going to skip our favorite activity “this one time.” But chronic pain rarely goes away on its own. Consult your doctor about your pain. If they recommend physical therapy, tell them to send you to Premier Physical Therapy.

Have You Already Seen the Doctor?

After rest, seeing the doctor is the next course of action when experiencing chronic pain. If the pain persists, then you have a couple of options. You can schedule another appointment with your physician, or you can call us directly. At Premier Physical Therapy, we offer a FREE pain consultation to help you get to the bottom of your pain and understand what’s causing it. And, if necessary, we can talk you through the next steps of seeing your doctor again and getting a prescription for ongoing physical therapy.

How did you do on the quiz? The truth is, it’s difficult for any online quiz to tell you if your pain is bad enough to seek treatment. That’s really up to you. But if you struggle with lingering pain, don’t let it slowly get worse and control your life. At Premier Physical Therapy, we offer a 5-Star Plan for treating pain. We are the only provider in the region to offer it. Our comprehensive approach to pain relief is what sets us apart – and why 85% of doctors said they would send their own family to Premier as their first choice. Call us today at 573-335-7868.