If you asked people this question, “What is health?”, what answers do you think you would get? Some people may say physical health, financial health, spiritual health, relationship health, and numerous other answers. What do you find is the most important? Is one more important than the other? We have concluded that our overall health is how you FEEL.

It’s not just what our age is or what we look like. Someone can look great but if their back is killing them or their blood pressure is out of control then at that moment their health is not good. Also, if someone is tired all the time, feels out of shape, is hurting somewhere, can’t sleep at night, can’t play with their kids or grandkids due to some problem then at that moment their health is not ideal. Health is not a weight, not always what we see in the mirror, not a pill, not a drink, not a diet, not just exercise alone, and not some crazy fad. Health is, how you feel right now?

On a scale of 0-10, ten being the best, how would you rate your “health” right now? Are you living with some type of pain? Are you not able to lift, reach, walk, bend, work, or do some hobby that you really enjoy? Are you worried about the future because of your health? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, my hope for you is that you seek help. Seek assistance, get a plan, and take action. NOW, not tomorrow. Ask questions. Seek advice, good advice. Talk with your doctor, significant other, family, friends, and therapist. Do some research. Get the help you need. Maybe it’s a new exercise plan, a few nutrition changes, quitting a bad habit or starting a new good one. Maybe it’s trying physical therapy or making that appointment you’ve been putting off. No matter what it is, it’s important so stop making excuses and put your health as a priority.

We want you to get the best out of life. You’re more likely to do that if you FEEL your best. It doesn’t take perfection, just consistency of good habits and not thinking that pain or problem will just “go away” or “I’ll do that later.” God wants his children to be healthy and happy. You can do it! 

Contact us today, and we’ll help you get there.