Don’t let yoga’s growing popularity cause you to dismiss it as a fad. Yes, it is popular, and it’s also a very safe form of exercise. Yoga isn’t just a good way to relieve stress and tension; it can also help maintain a healthy spine and reduce back pain. Yoga exercises and other types of stretching are useful because they help stretch and strengthen the back muscles that often experience pain.

The Purpose of Yoga Exercises

The goal of yoga exercises isn’t about forcing your body into unnatural positions—that can actually increase back pain. Instead, yoga exercises attempt to get you into proper alignment and ideally will help you achieve the correct posture. Yoga can also increase your flexibility and your ability to maintain your balance.

You can do yoga exercises standing, sitting, or lying down—you should feel comfortable in any yoga position. Before getting to the more advanced exercises, you should practice the easier versions of these exercises. Similarly, if you’ve never run long distances before, you wouldn’t just force your body into running an entire marathon, would you?

Best Yoga Exercises for Back Pain

Even simple exercises like the ones below can help you benefit from yoga. However, these exercises and their suggested frequencies are general guidelines for helping to maintain a healthy spine. Make sure to talk to your doctor before incorporating any of these exercises into your daily routine.

Standing Forward Fold


  • Start in a standing position with your feet hip-distance apart.
  • As you inhale, raise both of your arms out to the side and then up so they’re above your head. Palms should be facing each other but not touching.
  • As you exhale, slowly start to bend at the waist, and gently lower your arms out to the side and then down toward the ground if your hands can reach it. If not, rest your hands on your shins.
  • Let your head drop, and relax the neck. Notice your breath in the pose: Your breath should be steady and smooth. Hold this pose for 5 breaths.
  • To come out of the pose, bend your knees slightly. Put your hands on your hips, and slowly start to come up, vertebra by vertebra. Let your head be the last to come up.
  • Repeat standing forward fold 3 to 5 times once a day.

Bridge Pose


  • Start by lying on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Your feet should be hip-distance apart.
  • With your arms straight by the sides of your body and your palms on the ground, slowly start to lift your hips off the floor. Hold this for 3 seconds.
  • Slowly roll back down to the floor, vertebra by vertebra.
  • Repeat the bridge pose 3 times once a day.

With back pain, your abdominal muscles may also be weak, so while it’s important to choose yoga poses that lengthen and strengthen your spine, you should also do poses that develop strong abdominals such as the opposite hands and knees balance (below).

Cat/Cow Stretch


  • Start on all fours—on your hands and knees. Your hands and arms should be shoulder-distance apart and your knees should be hip-distance apart.
  • Inhale, and then as you exhale, slowly start to draw your navel toward your spine and gently tuck your tailbone.
  • As you inhale again, repeat the pose. Be sure to link your breath to your movement.
  • Repeat the cat/cow stretch 5 to 10 times once a day.

Opposite Hands and Knees Balance


  • Start off on your hands and knees. Without moving anything else, raise the right arm and left leg up about as high as your hips. Your hips, right arm, and left leg should be parallel to the floor. Keep the right arm and left leg straight.
  • Your right hand should face the floor, and the toes of the left foot should face the floor. Hold this pose for 3 breaths. Then release. Repeat by raising your left arm and right leg.
  • Repeat this pose 3 times on both sides once a day.

Other Benefits of Yoga Exercises

Yoga exercises can also help you build strength and flexibility. 

After doing yoga, it is normal to feel a little sore the next day. Soreness should go away within a few days. Doing yoga exercises shouldn’t cause numbness, pain, or tingling. If you feel any of these symptoms, stop and call your doctor immediately.

Since it’s a type of physical activity, talk to your doctor about doing yoga. For maximum back pain relief (and a long-term solution), you will likely need to combine yoga with other back pain treatments such as physical therapy. 

Premier Physical Therapy is ready to be a part of your back pain recovery journey. Call us today at 573-335-7868 to get started and schedule your appointment.